For an ethical &
responsible health

"For me, research is methodically observing the world around us to better know and understand it. Research also means using this knowledge by bringing them together to draw conclusions, innovative applications, create new tools, to the greater benefit of the well-being of humanity. "
Dr Marc Menu, CEO.
Our values
  • 2019-2020
    Every day, our teams continue to innovate, search, test, improve, to advance prenatal medicine accessible to all.

  • 2017
    In July, the prenatal determination of fetal RHD genotype from maternal blood is included in the nomenclature of medical biology acts. IBJB allows this test to be carried out thanks to its "Free DNA Fetal Kit® RhD" box certified CE IVD by the LNE / GMED according to Annex II List A, and which thus complies with the requirements of Directive 98/79 / EC and the Public Health Code. The Institute responds to the needs of the largest French medical biology laboratories with accreditation for prenatal biological diagnosis, as well as specialized foreign laboratories.

  • 2015
    In June, Institut de Biotechnologies Jacques Boy distributes the Free DNA Fetal Kit® RhD and provides the dedicated technical support.

  • 2014
    K-Matic®, an innovative device developed by Institut de Biotechnologies Jacques Boy, is released onto the market. It automates the Kleihauer test, releases valuable time, ensuring cleanliness, reliability and traceability.

  • 2007
    IBJB markets its "Free DNA Fetal Kit® RhD" IVD medical device, which meets the requirements of the EC / 98/79 Directive, enabling robust, specific and sensitive tests to be performed for prenatal determination of the fetal RHD genotype from maternal blood.

  • 2006
    Public / private collaboration on the genotyping project is continuing. It is the subject of an application for innovation funds from Oséo, which is up to day fully reimbursed.

  • 2004
    The Jacques Boy S.A. Institute leaves the Public Hospital site and moves into new laboratories at the Henri Farman Technological Center in Reims. It becomes "Institut de Biotechnologies Jacques Boy (IBJB)".

  • 2002
    IBJB decides to finance a study carried out by the National Reference Center for Perinatal Hemobiology (CNRHP-Paris St Antoine) and the INSERM U76-INTS-PARIS unit, on fetal RHD genotyping, via an analysis of the Fetal DNA circulating in the maternal blood. It aims to demonstrate the feasibility and reliability of large scale screening using this technique. It has been the subject of a scientific article published in Molecular Diagnosis (Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 23-31): "Large-Scale Pre-Diagnosis Study of Fetal RHD Genotyping by PCR on DNA Plasma from RhD-Negative Pregnant Women ", written by Christelle Rouillac-Le Sciellour, Phillippe Puillandre, Rolande Gillot, Céline Baulard, Sylvain Métral, Caroline Le Van Kim, Jean-Pierre Cartron, Yves Colin and Yves Brossard.

  • 2002
    Institut de Biotechnologies Jacques Boy (IBJB) is modernizing strongly, quality is present at all levels. The establishment is certified ISO 9001 and NF ISO 13485. Thanks to its responsiveness it becomes the first company in France to manufacture boxes for internal quality control in immunohematology to be distributed by DiaMed France. Market share quickly rises to 60%.

  • 1998
    A collaboration is taking shape with DiaMed, world leader in Immuno-Hematology (they're the designer of gel filtering which became a reference), which concludes with cross agreements resulting in an effective synergy.

Our history
Key dates
Our strengths
The choice of independence at a human size
Institut de Biotechnologies Jacques Boy is 100% independent & French

The history of the Jacques Boy Institute is above all a story of men and will! An always fierce desire to preserve our independence especially in comparison with other large groups. In 1985, our laboratory was born at the initiative of the Regional Center for Blood Transfusion of Reims, and it took the name of the creator of this RCBT: Professor Jacques Boy, biologist and professor of hematology. Since then we have been imagining, developing and manufacturing laboratory reagents for blood grouping. And more recently, we have become in a few years, a recognized actor in French medical biology for prenatal diagnostics.
Our fights
Advancing Research for Women
In 2017, after several years of struggle, we managed to have, with the support of professional unions and expert groups, Fetal RHD genotyping from maternal blood registered to the French nomenclature of reimbursed acts, easing the follow-up of the pregnancy of RhD- women and, as often as possible, avoiding them heavy, expensive and risky treatments.
A responsible company
releasing management
As a citizen corporation, the IBJB affirms its social and environmental responsibility, in its mission, in its management methods, and in its historical and strong involvement with its territory.
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