K-Matic & Easy-K

Staining automaton and support for your Kleihauer tests

By highlighting the presence of fetal red cells in the maternal blood and quantifying their proportion, the Kleihauer test makes it possible to adapt the quantity of anti-D immunoglobulin to be injected to the future mother in the context of the prevention of RhD fetomaternal alloimmunization in RhD negative women.
By partially or fully standardizing the Kleihauer test, the range dedicated to feto-maternal quantification allows laboratories to secure the achievement of staining.
an IBJB exclusivity
K-Matic fits perfectly in a logic of accreditation facilitated. The performance of the PLC system and reagents have been validated to meet the regulatory requirements of Directive 98/79 / EC. CQIs are available to control risks.
Made under a protective shell, the coloring steps are automated from start to finish, controlled via the touch screen, controlled by an RFID chip.
Time optimisation
By automating the coloring step, the K-Matic only needs to read the result. As an intermediate solution, the Easy-K facilitates the test by standardizing the heating stage.
A technician accompanies the user on a daily basis. The associated reagents can be ordered under subscription to receive them automatically and regularly.
IBJB also offers reagents for flow cytometry.
Read the instructions in the system user manual and the reagent IFU.
une exclusivité IBJB
Le K-Matic entre parfaitement dans une logique d’accréditation facilitée. Les performances du système automate et réactifs ont été validées pour répondre aux exigences réglementaires de la directive 98/79/CE. Des CQI sont disponibles permettant la maîtrise des risques.
Réalisées sous une coque protectrice, les étapes de coloration sont automatisées du début à la fin, contrôlées via l’écran tactile, maîtrisées grâce à une puce RFID
Temps optimisé
En standardisant le test de Kleihauer, l’automate en permet la reproductibilité dans des conditions de sécurité maximales, grâce également aux accessoires.
Garanti 1 an, simple d'utilisation, le K-Matic fait l'objet d'une assistance permanente. Les réactifs associés sont commandés via un abonnement pour les recevoir de manière automatique et régulière.
Range details
Adapted equipments and volumes
Choose equipment (automated or semi-automated) and cabinet size appropriate to the number of tests performed. Earn whatever happens time with reagents and ready-to-use accessories.
Assisted coloring solution
& consumables
Blade spreader V-Sampler
Blade holder
Color support Easy-K
5 bottles K-Matic pack (> 15 blades/day)
8 bottles K-Matic pack (< 15 blades/day)
8 bottles Easy-K pack
An adapted
Internal Quality Control
Semi-quantitative IQC
Box of 5 smears
Presentation video
K-Matic frees up time safely
With our PLC you save time safely for easy accreditation.
Testimonies & recommandations

As a facilitator of your profession and a partner in your development,
we develop products that meet the constraints you must meet.

  • Dr Bassem KHAZEM
    Biologiste au CHI de Créteil
    Standardization of the coloring and simplification of the reading of the result, saving of time technician, simplification of the organization of the teams, the proposed CQI: these are the main advantages of the K-Matic. It allows laboratories to obtain Cofrac accreditation more easily; we are waiting for ours for September. Recently, it allowed us to absorb a doubling of our activity after a rapprochement with another hospital. I recommend this equipment to the laboratories performing this test: it is also after using it for almost 2 years as part of my previous duties at Corbeil-Essonnes that I had it installed right away when I arrived here.

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